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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Intellectual Atrophication! That's what happens when you subscribe to slogans. It requires no thought at all. Petrified brains. Rigid. Dead?

Intellectual Atrophication! That's what happens when you subscribe to slogans. It requires no thought at all. Petrified brains. Rigid. Dead?

"Make America Great Agai"n... How? By destroying it?
"Lock her Up"...It's Republican LYING foreign agent Mike Flynn who will be locked up
"Drain the Swamp"...Trump replaced the denizens of the swamp with his own scummier "friends"
"Whose gonna pay for the wall? M E XI C O!"...Sure. When cows fly over the moon and Trump stops lying

Slogans. Worthless. Useless. Robotic. Meaningless.

NATO was dead now it's a good thing
NAFTA was terrible. Now it's a good thing
China was a currency manipulator now China is our friend

Oy vey.

Posted - May 1, 2017


  • 3684
    Politicians the world over use slogans all the time to avoid having to think of anything more sensible to say. I think it's often a way to give the Press instant headlines for publicity.

    I shouldn't worry too much though if you are American - I believe you can vote for a new President in 4 years' time, if the present one proves unsatisfactory!
      May 10, 2017 4:56 PM MDT